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官方版块--Filecoin Liftoff Week活动第一天回顾

摘要:2020年10月20日晚,Filecoin官方团队发布了有关Filecoin Liftoff Week活动第一天的回顾。云储科技小助手团队第一时间捕捉到相关热点

2020年10月20日晚,Filecoin官方团队发布了有关Filecoin Liftoff Week活动第一天的回顾。云储科技小助手团队第一时间捕捉到相关热点,带你了解活动第一天的亮点有哪些!



昨天(10月19日),我们在Filecoin Liftoff Week结束了第一天的活动。我们听到Filecoin创始人Juan Benet,Polychain Capital创始人Olaf Carlson-Wee,斯坦福大学教授Dan Boneh,总法律顾问Marta Belcher等人的来信。以下是当天的一些亮点,以及第二天的简要说明。

Yesterday we wrapped up Day 1 at Filecoin Liftoff Week. We heard from Filecoin founder, Juan Benet, Polychain Capital founder Olaf?Carlson-Wee, Stanford Professor Dan Boneh, outside general counsel Marta Belcher, and more. Here are some highlights from the day, as well as a snapshot of what’s in store for Day 2.


Protocol Labs协议实验室的创始人兼首席执行官胡安·贝纳特(Juan Benet)在开幕词中说到,请大家退一步思考,想想我们现在的生活是什么样子。他把文明分为前计算时代和后计算时代,并强调指出,当今我们的行动很少是在没有互联网协助的情况下完成的。他要求观众思考,如今,即使我们在网上执行最平凡的行为,与前计算机时代的能力相比,是如何成为超级大国的。我们为计算机提供了更多特权来访问我们的日常生活,我们的日常通讯和我们的关系。胡安将所有内容都概括在一份声明中,即使我们不知道80年后的世界会怎样,我们应当谨慎地解决当今互联网的问题,以便为未来做好最好的准备。

In his opening keynote, Founder and CEO of Protocol Labs Juan Benet asked everyone to first take a step back and think about what our lives are like now. He divided civilization into pre-computing and post-computing eras, and emphasized that very few of our actions today are done without Internet assistance. He asked the audience to consider how even the most mundane actions we perform today online are superpowers when compared to the capabilities of the pre-computing era. We are giving computers more privileged access to our daily lives, our daily communications, and our relationships. Juan wrapped all of this up in the statement that we don’t know where the world will be in 80 years, and it is prudent of us to solve the issues with the Internet today in order to best set ourselves up for whatever the future may hold.

“Filecoin’s mission is to create a decentralized, efficient, and robust foundation for humanity’s information.”


Juan closed off by encouraging the Filecoin community to take ownership of the network and take it to the next level.


1. 将有价值的数据带入网络。

2. 使用Filecoin技术构建一个新的应用程序。

3. 让Filecoin成为您的。


1. 建立人们想要的东西。

2. 始终考虑长远。

3. 有弹性。


斯坦福大学应用密码学教授Juan Benet和Dan Boneh谈到了采用区块链技术和Filecoin密码学的未来。胡安问,在未来15到20年内,密码学最重要的技术创新是什么。丹(Dan)抛开密码学的细节说,任何技术都可以发挥的最重要作用是使人们的生活更美好。他特别强调了私人对话的重要性,以及确保我们保护这些对话不受警察监管的必要性。

Juan Benet and Dan Boneh, Stanford Professor of applied cryptography, talked about the future of cryptography with blockchain technology and Filecoin. Juan asked what the most important technological innovation would be for cryptography in the next 15-20 years. Dan stepped away from the specifics of cryptography and said that the most important role any technology could play is to make life better for people. In particular, he emphasized the importance of private conversations, and the need to ensure we protect those conversations from being policed.


Polychain Capital创始人Olaf Carlson-wee发表了演讲“分散的云就在这里”。他通过将Filecoin网络与知名的区块链网络(如比特币)进行比较,解释了Filecoin网络的重要性和创新。大多数需要“工作”才能达成共识的区块链网络都是故意设计的,以致浪费。例如,比特币的哈希能力只能用于开采比特币。个人,公司或政府没有其他方法可以使用比特币“工作”,这是确保安全的成功方法,即使是浪费的。但是,Filecoin通过FIL,其固定架构和存储市场,结合了各种激励措施,以确保在网络上完成的工作完全有利于分散存储经济。

Polychain Capital founder Olaf Carlson-wee gave his talk “The Decentralized Cloud is Here.” He explained the importance and innovation of the Filecoin network by comparing it to well-known blockchain networks like Bitcoin. Most blockchain networks that require “work” to arrive at consensus are purposefully designed to be wasteful. Bitcoin’s hashpower, for example, can only be used to mine bitcoin. There is no other way a person, company, or government could use Bitcoin’s “work” - a successful, if wasteful, method to ensure security. Filecoin, however, through FIL, its staking architecture, and its storage marketplace, combines incentives to ensure the work being done on the network is in the overall benefit of the decentralized storage economy. This “tying of economic work function with distributed file storage network” is fundamental to Filecoin’s future success.


之后,卡尔森·威(Carlson-wee)讨论了Filecoin和去中心化存储在DAO演进中的重要性。在区块链技术的大部分历史中,金融原语一直是编码为智能合约的最简单的逻辑形式。DeFi是该用例的强大程度的一个典型示例。DAO已构建为监督和管理这些财务转发应用程序。但是,构建更加复杂和“类似于网络”的应用程序显然要困难得多。以太坊的智能合约,例如,不容易向用户提供媒体/图像/视频之类的文件。通过Filecoin网络的实时运行,以太坊等智能合约平台可以轻松,本地地将这些文件提供给最终用户。我们可能会看到一波不只是DeFi应用程序的浪潮,但是应用程序的健壮性和复杂性使其更像我们今天所习惯的Web应用程序。这些应用程序也将受到新一轮DAO的监督和管理。这就是卡尔森·维(Carlson-wee)所说的“ DAO的黄金时代”,我们可能会在不久的将来看到它。

Later in his presentation, Carlson-wee discussed the importance Filecoin and decentralized storage will play in the evolution of DAOs. For much of blockchain technology’s history, financial primitives have been some of the easiest forms of logic to code into smart contracts. DeFi is a prime example of how robust that use case has been. DAOs have been built to oversee and govern these finance-forward applications. Building more complex and “web-like” applications, however, is distinctly more difficult. Ethereum’s smart contracts, for example, do not easily serve up files like media/images/videos to users. With the Filecoin network live, smart contract platforms like Ethereum can easily and natively serve up those files to end users. What we are likely to see is a new wave of not just DeFi applications, but applications that feel a lot more like the web applications we’re used to today, with their robustness and complexity. These applications too will be overseen and governed by a new wave of DAOs. This is what Carlson-wee referred to as the “Golden Age of DAOs” we might see in the near future.


今天(10月20日),Liftoff Week的第2天主要关注Filecoin的挖掘。整整一天的讲座,演示和研讨会围绕着Filecoin对矿工的价值以及他们继续(或开始)参与网络所需了解的信息。议程预览:

Today, day 2 of Liftoff Week, is focused on?Mining on Filecoin. It’s a day full of talks, demos, and workshops focused on what the value of Filecoin is to miners and what information they need to know to continue (or start) participating in the network. A preview of the agenda:

  • 太平洋时间上午11点:第2天以“文件币证明和即将到来的改进”拉开序幕,与Supranational和Protocol Labs的Dignifiedquire的Kelly Olson和Sean Gulley进行了演讲

  • 太平洋夏令时间中午12点:“面向独立矿工的Filecoin采矿”,与Filecoin矿工Benjamin Hoesjbo一起针对单个矿工的详细研讨会

  • 太平洋夏令时间下午3:30:与StorageHive的Jacques Swanepoel和IPFSMain的联合创始人Neo Ge一起参加“ Filecoin采矿硬件和体系结构”的演讲,他们将带您了解其设置和体系结构,并讨论构建时应考虑和避免的一些事项你的装备。

  • 太平洋夏令时间下午5:20:与Filecoin的全球顶级矿工一起在“我们如何赢得太空竞赛”面板上了解他们如何赢得太空竞赛

  • 太平洋夏令时间下午7:05:协议实验室的Deep Kapur和David Dias与“文件币安全和漏洞赏金计划”
