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白币 BiYong线上AMA直播内容回顾

摘要:10月19日20:00,Global BD Director Crypto Beast参加了币用大咖第36期直播活动。在这次AMA直播中,白币商务总监Crypt

10月19日20:00,Global BD Director Crypto Beast参加了币用大咖第36期直播活动。在这次AMA直播中,白币商务总监Crypto Beast与大家共同讨论“Whitecoin跨链生态的DeFi之道”。直播间用户的热情和积极参与,使得本次的活动取得了圆满成功!下面小编将直播互动中的问题以及回答进行了整理。

第一部分:Crypto Beast自我介绍

主持人:大家晚上好,今天我们很荣幸邀请到Whitecoin这个具有5年多去中心化历史的社区性去中心化项目,以及我们邀请了Whitecoin的Global BD Director Crypto Beast给大家分享关于从2019年升级后的whitecoin有什么变化。首先我们请嘉宾先自我介绍一下吧~

Good morning, everyone!Today, we are honored to invite Whitecoin, a community decentralized project with a history of more than 5 years, and we have invited Whitecoin's Global BD Director Crypto Beast to share with you the changes of Whitecoin after its upgrading in 2019.First of all, let's welcome the guest to introduce themselves.

Crypto Beast:Hello, everyone! I am Crypto Beast and thank you for having me on todays AMA.Personally I have worked with numerous projects raging from top 1000 to top 30, by focusing on the business development side I have helped them deliver their vision to the industry.

From?time to time I take on a new project, which 1. excites me and 2. has the tech to back it up and WhiteCoin ticks both of those boxes

大家好,我是Crypto Beast。很荣幸受邀参加今天的AMA。





Ok, now we will enter the Q&A session. Could you please briefly introduce Whitecoin?

Crypto Beast:Introducing WhiteCoin briefly is not an easy task, hahah, but I will do my best:)

WhiteCoin brings a global solution to BlockChain asset managment, nowadays there are a lot of issues with transaction fees, token swaps, defi and other important utility aspects of crypto. While many projects aim to solve those issues no one has ever tried to become the go to solution for all of it.

Whitecoin is a community-based decentralization project that launched in early 2014 more than six years ago. The team members of the original development team are from the Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Australia, and a few other countries around the world.

Whitecoin is a public chain, which realizes value interconnection among blockchains through the innovative Multi-Tunnel Blockchain Communication Protocol (MTBCP). Whitecoin constructs a cross-chain blockchain ecosystem through Random Proof of Stake (RPOS) consensus, Whitecoin Axis, Whitecoin Wallet, decentralized mineral pools, and smart contract platforms.

In August, Whitecoin launched a $2 million DeFi foundation that will support projects within the Whitecoin ecosystem.




Whitecoin是一条通过创新的Multi Tunnel Blockchain Communication Protocal (MTBCP)协议实现区块链间价值互通互联的公有链。它作为Whitecoin生态系统的重要组成部分,通过Random Proof of Stake(RPOS)共识、Whitecoin Axis、Whitecoin wallet、去中心化矿池、智能合约平台构建成一个跨链的区块链生态综合体。



Whitecoin contains a lot of decentralized functions, such as cross-chain, trading, smart contracts and decentralized communities. Ordinary investors may feel confused when they hear it.Can you tell us what are the significant differences between Whitecoin and other decentralized projects? And what are some of the more well-known applications of Whitecoin?

Crypto Beast:Great question. At first glance the WhiteCoin project seems like it's no in reach for the average crypto enthusiast but I would want to point out that each decentralised function is created in a way which is extremely user friendly.

A few main ones to mention:

1) RPoS?(Random proof of stake)

This is the next step beyond proof of stake (which lets be honest is now king of consensus) and offers a number of crucial benefits such as:

??reduced energy consumption

??extra security on chain

block generation is done in in co-operation rather than competition. This means that all users can benefit and it's not just the whales or the individuals with the strongest equipment who get the majority of the rewards from the Blockchain.

2)?Cross chain

Of?course I must mention this as I personally think this feature is one of the most important, expecially with the current market. For the purposes of this AMA I will keep it brief.

Cross chain operations are focusion on the interconnection of value between Blockchains by utilising multi tunnel Blockchain communication protocl MTBCP. This will allow current Blockchains to share value and expand by utilising XWCs Blochain and eco-system.

How does it work?

In simple terms:

User creates XWC account

Users send cross-chain TX to XWC for ex BTC

MTBCP recognises ONLY the cross chain assets

MTBCP issues or destroys the asset

I can talk all day about the dex functions of XWC but all of this is done on chain and the team focus on creating a seamless user experince so business and private individuals can utilise our unqiue Blockchain.?





? 减少能源消耗

? 增加系统安全




通过Multi Tunnel Blockchain Communication Protocal(MTBCP)协议,跨链专注于区块链间的价值互通互联。这一特性使得当前的区块链在使用XWC区块链和生态的前提下分享价值并进行延伸。










The token of Whitecoin is XWC, which has been issued since 2014 with a circulation of 1 billion.What is the team's plan to achieve a better deflation regime?How can You make XWC more valuable?


I see this questions being asked a lot and it is one I always answer the same. Utility is king, even a little utility is able to support a whale dumping a coin.

With whitecoin the focus is specifically on utility. By creating a fair eco-system for the users the proejct itself is able to focus on the important things such as development instead of internal consensus (which has been a huge issues from the inception of the first coin)

The XWC coin will be utilised more than it has ever before, with the addition of new partneships and DaPPs we wish to drive the the value of XWC not with hype but with true utility.






Our community members wish to know what is your next important project/development?

Crypto Beast:Every project which wants to be successful needs to follow current trends or create new ones and at XWC we always aim to do both.

Of course DEFI is a huge part of the BlockChain indsutry right now and we have already launched our first defi DaPP called TokenSwap which is an absolute monster when it comes to the exchange of tokens.

What’s more the following three parts are also our main future plan.

Our first action is to provide Foundation support, Whitecoin already set aside $2 million to support DeFi and Oracle projects.

Second, ecosystem corporation. Whitecoin will corporate with global centralized finance companies to support their DeFi needs.

Third, additional cross-chain assets. BTC, ETH, and LTC have been integrated into Whitecoin. USDT, EOS, XRP, and more coins are soon to follow. That will help support different projects in the Whitecoin cross-chain ecosystem.


当然,DeFi当前区块链行业的重要组成部分现在是BlockChain行业的重要组成部分。我们已经启动了首个DeFi DAPP--TokenSwap,他在代币兑换方面绝对是一个佼佼者。







Sounds like something to look forward to! So, how does the project approach its plan for community motivation?

Crypto Beast:Community spirits have never been so high as they are now, just go join our chat and see for yourself.

Just as what I mentioned, in August, Whitecoin launched a $2 million DeFi foundation that will support projects within the Whitecoin ecosystem. In the future XWC foundation will support other excellent projects as more as possible.

Right now we focus on delivering on development, growth and market awarness and by adding new ways for our users to utilise and be rewarded with the XWC Blockchain we are certain that our current actions will keep our community motivated and asking for more:)






Host: Now cross-chain is still in a state of development. How will Whitecoin compete with other cross-chain projects such as Polkadot and Cosmos?

Crypto Beast:A questions I was hoping you would ask and there are 2 answers I can give you, both which might contredict each other but are valid just like both side of a coin

A) We do not need to compete with other Blockchains such as Polkadot and or Cosmos because they both, just like us, serve a specific type of crypto user.

Not all people will like the staking delays of Polkadot, not all users will like the business morals of Cosmos but many users will like specific features of an given Blockchain.

At XWC we aim to bring a system (be it front end and backend) which is easy to access and utilise for indivduals at all levels, thus we already beat the other 2 alternatives you have proposed.

This alongisde out eco-system, any individiual or company can work with us without feeling the burden of whales and or massive bag holders.

We are a community and have a voice, come talk to me about your DaPP requirements, there is no hiding and no difficult process its all open source and we are here to support you.









We found that on 29th, Tokenswap, an App initiated by XWC DeFi community has been launched. We are curious about it. Can you introduce it to us?

Crypto Beast:Glad to see you noticed this exciting addition to the XWC eco-system. This is a project which was initiated by our community, and everyone and I wants to thank the developers for this. Our community is key and we love to see these type of developments.

I want to give you a comparison with the most well know TokenSwap service called Uniswap, this is a foundation whos development depends on the continious growth ?of liquidity brought by liqudity providers. However, the early liquidity providers used their actual assets to practice the contract's feasibility while assuming security risks and losses caused by excessive slippage but they never really gained any value brough by the development of the protocol.

In TokenSwap the TP token represents the actual value brought by the development of TokenSwap, thus early liquidity providers can obtain tokens more easily than latecomers and can get more reasonable returns.

Alongside this TokenSwap has launched a decentralized APP making it more convenient for poential and current users to access the swap. In general we beleive that this project will attract many DeFI developers to XWC and also bring new opportunities to DeFI as a whole.






主持人:感谢Crypto Beast的支持以及精彩的分享!相信我们的社区用户一定对这个项目有了深刻的理解了。目前XWC已在中币上线,大家可以关注XWC后续的动态哦!今天的AMA分享就到这里了,感谢大家的倾听,以及嘉宾精彩的分享,我们下次再见哦~

Host: Thanks for Crypto Beast's support and wonderful share!I believe our community users must have a deep understanding of this project.At present, XWC has been online on ZB.com, please pay attention to the subsequent dynamics of XWC!That's all for today's AMA. Thank you for your listening and the wonderful sharing. See you next time!

Crypto Beast:Thank you, bye!

