首页 > 热点新闻 > 瑞波钱包兑换rmb|Obee Network 最新一期AMA: “区块链 + 社交如何赋能实体经济” 精彩回顾

瑞波钱包兑换rmb|Obee Network 最新一期AMA: “区块链 + 社交如何赋能实体经济” 精彩回顾

摘要:时间(Time):2020年06月03日主持人(Question-master):Comunion 前尘参与嘉宾(Guests): Obee Network联合



主持人(Question-master):Comunion 前尘 参与嘉宾(Guests): Obee Network联合发起人singHwang




各位老铁大家好,感谢参加今晚 Comunion 与 Obee Network 联合举办的 AMA活动,下面让我们热烈欢迎本次的分享嘉宾 黄总 的到来@singHwang


Hello everyone, thank you for participating in the AMA event jointly organized by Comunion and Obee Network tonight. Let us warmly welcome this sharing guest Huang Zong to come @singHwang


很高兴能参加comunionde的这场关于区块链 + 社交如何赋能实体经济的 AMA活动。

回答问题之前,我先简单介绍一下Obee Network这一款产品吧。

Obee Network是一款基于区块链+社交的激励平台。这个我们运营总监上一次在NULS的AMA上也有一些介绍,这次我在稍微提炼的介绍一下吧。


我们团队希望通过区块链技术让每个人都是自己的“主人”,在产品的定位上Obee Network是“致力于普通用户进入区块链社交的第一款社交产品”。这也是我们发展中的愿景吧,至于为什么这么定位也是经过很多调研和产品对比中确定的方向。

因为我感觉一款好社交产品应该是属于无界的,如果一款社交产品当你在使用的时候,你的朋友们也会使用他,那么这应该是一款很成功的社交产品。相反,如果你在使用时候而你身边的朋友并未使用它,我感觉这款产品其实并不是很成功。这种现象在区块链+社交产品其实也是很常见,能使用区块链+社交产品的往往只是行业内部的人,如果不是这个行业或者领域的朋友,要么对这一款产品毫不知情,要么就由于门槛问题直接被拒之门外。现在市面上也没有专门服务普通用户的区块链+社交产品,也很难见到区块链行业内的某一款社交产品会有大量的普通用户,不了解区块链行业的用户会很难使用到它,我感觉这就像是万米高墙将人拒之门外,这也的确是区块链 + 社交 行业的一大痛点。

某款社交产品如果可以覆盖足够广的人群,那么这款社交产品我感觉也绝对是一款真材实料的产品。我们在Obee Network前期功能设计上投入足够多的时间和精力,设计出来的Obee Network集成多种功能模块。这些功能模块上大家可以看到涵盖不仅包含基本聊天,也包含新闻博客,商品集市,工作等模块,在用户体验上来说会带来更多的舒适感,这个大家也可以现在去提样一下。现有的这些功能模块设计也是相当very nice。

Q1: The first social product for ordinary users to enter the blockchain social network? (Vision)

Our team hopes that everyone can be their own “owner” through the blockchain technology. Obee Network is “the first social product dedicated to ordinary users entering the blockchain social” in terms of product positioning. This is also our vision for development. As for why this positioning is also the direction determined by many investigations and product comparisons.

Because I feel that a good social product should be unbounded. If a social product is used by your friends and your friends will use it, then this should be a very successful social product. On the contrary, if you are using it and friends around you are not using it, I feel that this product is actually not very successful. This phenomenon is also very common in blockchain + social products. People who can use blockchain + social products are often only people in the industry. If they are not friends in this industry or field, they must be unaware of this product. Either they were directly rejected because of the threshold problem. There are no blockchain + social products on the market that specifically serve ordinary users. It is also difficult to see that a certain social product in the blockchain industry will have a large number of ordinary users. Users who do not understand the blockchain industry will be very It’s difficult to use it. I feel like it’s like a 10,000-meter high wall shutting out people. This is indeed a major pain point for the blockchain + social industry.

If a social product can cover a wide enough group of people, then I feel that this social product is definitely a real product. We have invested enough time and energy in the preliminary functional design of Obee Network, and the Obee Network designed integrates multiple functional modules. You can see that these functional modules include not only basic chat, but also news blogs, commodity markets, work and other modules. In terms of user experience, it will bring more comfort. You can also give a sample now. . The existing design of these functional modules is also very nice.



现在社交方面的一些软件,微信呀,抖音、微博这些大家也都使用过,都知道一不小心你就成了网红。现在这个社交行业来说,一个小视频、一句精彩的话、一个插图等这些素材也都有可能成为创业者的想法和途径。在社交聊天中,其实我们讨厌的宣传方式也挺多的,比如广告式的宣传,这个大家一般还是挺讨厌的吧!(在加上某某好友就开始普天盖地的发出来自己的一件产品什么的来宣传),搞搞不好你一生气,就直接删了别人好友让人措不及防。在Obee Network中我们加入商品集市、工作、电影、新闻博客这些模块将商品宣传,写作、发布招聘信息上进行不同区域的划分,让整个社交平台更加的友好,功能模块也显的更很有层次感。

Obee Network在社交主题上内嵌很多功能模块。商品集市中,大家都可以去上架自己的闲置商品或筛选自己感兴趣的商品。新闻博客中,大可也可以看到异国风情,各种精彩的推荐文章,以及各类你可能感兴趣的文章,其中内容可以是热播的影片、教育分享、经济贸易、纪录片等,现在新闻博客当中的文章还是挺多的,它允许每一位用户创建、分享、评论、收藏。工作搜索中,你可以根据自己的地理位置,或是期望的职位寻找合适自己的工作。这些模块都是在社交的主题模板上赋能性的加入的,这也就是一体化的设计理念吧。

Q2: How does blockchain+socialization achieve social, work, and career integration?

Okay, I think this question is very good. In the development of Internet technology, we have just obtained information from the traditional engine search, and transformed into dialogue, communication, and interaction between people. Socialization has become the core link in information dissemination. The information resources we obtain come from social networking, but it is not limited to social networking. From social networking, we can get interested recruitment, information to find, and search for the latest popular movies.

Now some of the social software, WeChat, Douyin, Weibo, etc., have also been used by everyone, knowing that if you are not careful, you will become a celebrity. Now in the social industry, a small video, a wonderful word, an illustration and other materials can also become ideas and ways for entrepreneurs. In social chat, in fact, we hate a lot of publicity methods, such as advertising-style publicity, this is generally quite annoying! (After adding a certain friend, he began to send out a product of his own to promote it). If you get angry, you will directly delete other people’s friends and you will be caught off guard. In the Obee Network, we add commodity markets, jobs, movies, news blogs and other modules to divide commodity promotion, writing, and posting recruitment information into different regions, making the entire social platform more friendly, and the functional modules are more obvious Layering.

Obee Network embeds many functional modules on social topics. In the commodity market, everyone can go to list their own idle products or filter the products they are interested in. In the news blog, Dake can also see exotic styles, a variety of wonderful recommended articles, and various articles you may be interested in. The content can be popular movies, education sharing, economics and trade, documentaries, etc. Now the news There are still a lot of articles in the blog. It allows every user to create, share, comment and collect. In job search, you can find the right job based on your geographic location or desired position. These modules are all added on the social theme template, which is the integrated design concept.


这个问题比较有点道家思想的,我感觉吧! “有界”和”无界”是认知方式的一种,事物都具有“有界”和“无界”这两种之分。向上面评论社交软件时候所说的一样,我认为一款好的社交产品应该是无界的。




Q3: Social + industrial, a combination of unbounded and bounded?

This question is a bit of Taoist thinking, I feel it! “Bounded” and “Unbounded” are a type of cognitive style, and things have two types of “bounded” and “unbounded”. As mentioned above when commenting on social software, I think a good social product should be unbounded.

The concept of industry is relatively broad. I personally feel that industry is a product of different industries in life. There are many different industries in industry. These big modules, such as catering, entertainment, design, and medical care, serve our lives. Relying on the era of the Internet, these industries are subject to geographical and cultural differences and there is no way to spread them across large areas. But in our time, with the development of Internet technology, the physical industry has more carriers. The commodities you find can be transferred to your hands across regions, and communication no longer requires cumbersome phone calls. There is no need to wait for the 8 o’clock file in the evening to watch movies. The news you get is no longer limited to regions and time. The cumbersomeness of life has been The advent of the Internet age has simplified.

I don’t know if you have heard of Maslow’s hierarchical demand theory. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs tells us this. Socialization is an indispensable factor for humans to meet their physiological needs and security needs. Everyone wants mutual care and care. We empowered social networking to e-commerce, empowered content sharing, and empowered entertainment. Relying on social to provide user convenience and practicality is also a multiplier effect. The injection of blockchain technology into social is undoubtedly to cater for people’s data security and copyright in the future. Screwing blockchain technology into social is also to ensure data Uniqueness and traceability.

If the social is unbounded, I feel that the industry should be bounded. Social+Industry is a combination of unbounded and bounded, and the glory will definitely be more brilliant.

Q4:好的,十分感谢黄总的精彩分享,能不能给大家聊一聊咱们的产品和生态呢? Q4:Okay, thank you Mr. Huang for his wonderful sharing. Can you tell us a little bit about our products and ecology?




Our current product is mainly published on a PC site. I believe that some friends should have experienced it now. It has been used a lot in the past few days, and he should still feel a lot.


哈哈,还有我的事呀,说到这里,我确实最近深入研究了一下 Obee Network ,不管是PC端还是移动端。

其实在关注之前我还发表过一篇文章,提到过区块链行业圈子的重要性,我记得这篇文章发表2天之后,就看到过一个采访 Obee Network 产品的 AMA,出于好奇就过去研究了一下,后来发现联合发起人是还是我的一个老朋友,也是挺意外的,也许这就是缘分吧。

然后我们就对于行业现状聊了聊,感觉现在进入区块链行业的人也是越来越多,但是大多数人还处于抄币阶段,我们都想真正为大家做些什么,真正传递一些有价值的思想,真正解决一些存在的社会问题,由于我们的理念高度一致,所以也是准备后续进行一些深度的合作,大家也看到 Obee Network 上面还有找工作的模块,这是之前任何一款社交产品所不具备的,并且随着零工经济的兴起,这个模块必定会大方异彩。

我们也会后续接入我们 Comunion 的一些功能,通过强强联手,为大家提供社交、人脉、娱乐、工作、融资等更多资源,真正实现从 C 端到 B 端一站式服务,我们希望能通过新技术、新模式赋能传统经济,实际帮助大家解决一些生活中遇到的问题,也请大家持续关注 Obee Network,相信这是一座真正的宝藏!


Haha, and my business. Speaking of which, I did research the Obee Network recently, whether it is a PC or a mobile.

In fact, before I paid attention, I also published an article that mentioned the importance of the blockchain industry circle. I remember that two days after this article was published, I saw an AMA interviewing Obee Network products. I have studied it in the past and found out that the co-sponsor is still an old friend of mine, which is quite unexpected. Maybe this is fate.

Then we talked about the status quo of the industry, and feel that more and more people are entering the blockchain industry, but most people are still in the stage of coin copying, we all want to really do something for everyone, and really pass on some valuable The idea is to truly solve some existing social problems. Because our concept is highly consistent, we are also preparing for further in-depth cooperation. Everyone also sees that there is a job search module on Obee Network. This is any previous social product. What it doesn’t have, and with the rise of the gig economy, this module will surely be brilliant.

We will also access some of our Comunion’s functions in the future. Through strong cooperation, we will provide you with more resources such as social networking, networking, entertainment, work, financing, etc., and truly realize a one-stop service from C terminal to B terminal. Empowering the traditional economy through new technologies and new models will actually help you solve some of the problems you encounter in life. Please continue to pay attention to Obee Network. I believe this is a real treasure!

Q5:Obee Network 的战略部署呢?

项目战略规划上我们分为了两个阶段,第一个阶段目前已经是基本达成。Obee Network的web设计网站已经面世展示在大家的面前。最近android,ios的app我们也是正在调试,这几天应该大家都是能看到的,到时候也欢迎大家来使用,我们会给一些很不错的福利的。










Q5: What is the strategic deployment of Obee Network?

We have divided into two stages in the strategic planning of the project. The first stage has basically been achieved. Obee Network’s web design website has been launched and displayed in front of everyone. Recently, we are also debugging the Android and iOS apps. Everyone should be able to see them in the past few days, and everyone is welcome to use them.

Our second stage is mainly some publicity in the market. Since our team conducted an AMA on NULS on 5.22 this year, we have officially carried out some promotion of our project. The current results are also very good.





我个人认为目前随着人工智能,区块链,云计算,大数据技术的发展对传统互联网各个方向也会造成风口性的影响。更多行业也都需要注入新的元素才能在技术更新换代时候,更好的把握好风口。随着人们的数据安全意识加强,以及未来数据主权性的从商家转移用户手上,区块链的技术注入到社交中无疑会更好的顺应发展的需要。Obee Network作为社交产品相比传统社交产品提供了更加丰富的功能元素,在Obee Network上用户能做的事情也不仅仅是社交,甚至可以在Obee Network上进行一些商品购买,求职工作的寻找。从Obee Network的功能模块和整个设计来看Obee Network还是更加贴近使用层面,目的也是让普通用户都能使用上这么一款立志发展区块链+社交的产品。


Obee Network是一款面向普通用户走进区块链的产品,那么Obee Network是如何让普通用户感受到区块链的实用性价值呢?



我们在项目初期发展时候,把Obee Network定位为普通用户进入区块链社交的一款社交产品是有原因的。初期我们进行了一些相关调研,也发现了很多区块链+社交的板块,但产品的设计以及理念还是很难偏重与不了解区块链这个行业的人。但是我认为社交产品既然是社交是不应该拥有局限性的,如果社交可以涵盖的范围包含所有人群,那么才是更加真实的一款社交产品,而且我们在产品功能设计方面,也是投入了很多的时间和精力,相比我了解的一些区块链+社交而言,我感觉这样的社交还是相当 Perfect 的。

Mickey Stone:

黄总Obee Network如何定义并玩转区块链+社交电商?






正如我们定位的标准所说的,我们是定位为普通用户进入区块链社交的第一款设计产品。这么一个定位的原因是我们分析了很多项目,感觉这些区块链+社交产品,如果不是区块链行业用户应该还是不会直接使用的,所以我们首先在功能模块上的设计贴近大范围用户使用的标准。现在来说产品的功能点全部完善以及是一个比较耗时的问题,这个我们完成的是开发中的很大一般吧,Obee Network怎么吸引用户这个问题我们也有考虑很多,所以会添加很多OBEE主网币的激励模式,迎合业务的发展。以及后期我们会添加用户注册空投活动,以及现在注册用户通过积分对话来获得一定奖励,来保证生态在初期发展中的活跃度。




观察过大部分区块链行业内部的社交网站,里面的内容来说吧还是很吸引币圈内部的人,里面的内容往往都是某某币,某某项目。但是我们的Obee Network上面来说并不是都是这些文章,可以是你的生活所见所闻,可以是一次精彩旅游经验分享。我们的模块划分到时候也不会让整个内容上来说显的让用户感觉不适应性感觉。





The following are the questions selected by this AMA free question:


Mr. Huang, what is the biggest role of blockchain in your project? What value or advantage does Obee have?


I personally think that with the development of artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, and big data technology, the traditional Internet will also have a disturbing influence in all directions. More industries also need to inject new elements in order to better grasp the outlet when the technology is updated. With the strengthening of people’s data security awareness and the transfer of data sovereignty from merchants to users in the future, the injection of blockchain technology into social networks will undoubtedly better meet the needs of development. Obee Network, as a social product, provides richer functional elements than traditional social products. On Obee Network, users can do more than just socialize. They can even make some purchases on the Obee Network and find job search jobs. From the perspective of Obee Network’s functional modules and the overall design, Obee Network is still closer to the use level. The purpose is also to allow ordinary users to use such a product that is determined to develop blockchain + social.


Obee Network is a product for ordinary users to enter the blockchain, so how does Obee Network make ordinary users feel the practical value of blockchain?


Okay, this question was also asked by users during our last AMA.

During the initial development of the project, we positioned Obee Network as a social product for ordinary users to enter the blockchain social network for a reason. In the early days, we conducted some related research and found many blockchain + social sectors, but the product design and philosophy are still difficult to focus on and do not understand people in the blockchain industry. But I think that social products should not have limitations since they are social. If the social coverage can include all people, then it is a more real social product, and we have invested a lot in product function design Time and energy, compared to some of the blockchain + social I know, I feel that this kind of social is still quite Perfect.

Mickey Stone:

How does President Huang Obee Network define and play blockchain + social e-commerce?


I feel that the empowerment of blockchain technology to the society should be indispensable in the historical development. Now the problem of data leakage of many social company users is also very serious. We will carry out the product on-chain and the distributed storage of data to ensure the absolute security of some data that cannot be tampered with, and it is not just to load the coin wallet function into our products in the form of an interface.


What pain points does OBEE solve in the industry? How will OBEE attract users?


As our positioning standards say, we are the first design product positioned for ordinary users to enter the blockchain social. The reason for such a positioning is that we have analyzed many projects and feel that these blockchain + social products should not be used directly by users in the blockchain industry, so our first design on the functional module is close to a wide range of users Standard. Now the function points of the product are all perfect and it is a relatively time-consuming problem. This is what we have done is very general in development. We have also considered a lot of questions about how Obee Network attracts users. The incentive model of the currency caters to the development of the business. And later we will add user registration airdrop activities, and now registered users will get a certain reward through the points dialogue to ensure the activity of the ecology in the initial development.


How does the OBEE blockchain social platform lower the threshold for blockchain use, so that users can join without feeling?


I have observed most of the social networking sites in the blockchain industry. The content inside is still very attractive to the people in the currency circle. The content inside is often all So and so coins and So and so projects. But our Obee Network is not all these articles, it can be what you see in life, it can be a wonderful travel experience sharing. When our module is divided, it will not make the whole content obvious to make the user feel uncomfortable.


The blockchain has private keys and these things are not used by ordinary users.


When docking the wallet interface, we will generate the wallet address under this account by default when the user registers on the website, so that users can directly operate the private key through the account and the wallet under the account.


我是小雨,想要了解更多Obee Network资讯请关注我们的官方微信,或者直接加我好友吧。

I’m Xiaoyu, DO you want to know many news about Obee Network,Please Add My WeChat or Focus WeChat Official Account .


