首页 > 热点新闻 > 《一千零一币》布局钱包生态消费支付场景,GPC能否成为区块链的支付宝?


摘要:什么才是数字货币钱包的护城河呢?不是技术,不是用户体验,更不是产品设计。作为用户来讲其实是很难感知钱包背后高端的区块链技术,他们更关心的是区块链能不能落地,能不能让数字货币和我的生活产生联系?说白了也就是要有落地的支付场景。 大家好,欢迎来
​大家好,欢迎来到《一千零一币》, 我是米林传媒的谭琳。
Hello, everyone, welcome to One Thousand and One Coins. I am Lin from Milin Media
Hello, I am Lei, the CBO of the Hong Kong GPC Financial Group. I am glad to be here to be interviewed by Milin Media. I hope this interview will give you a better understanding of GPC.
1. 欢迎 Lei,可否简单介绍一下GPC钱包?
Welcome, Lei. Could you give us a brief introduction to the GPC wallet,?
Lei: Our positioning is a cross-chain smart payment wallet and we are committed to creating the Alipay of the blockchain domain. We can complete the automatic exchange of mainstream encrypted digital assets, fast transfer, asset services,collection and shopping with the GPC wallet. Currently, we have put numerous consumption and payment scenarios in the digital currency payment ecological construction covering various aspects in our lives and launched the idea of “consuming is mining” on this basis, which are all our unique advantages.  

2. GPC是如何做好数字货币用户的资产服务的呢?
How does GPC manage the asset services of digital currency users?
Lei: GPC钱包支持用户之间可以免费高速转账,兼具实时行情和糖果福利。无论是从投资还是交易的角度看,GPC钱包都有完善的服务,是一个对用户友好、安全、方便和快捷的解决方案。
Lei: The GPC wallet enables users to conduct free fast transfers between users covering both real-time market prices and fork profits. GPC provides perfect services from the perspective of both investment and transaction and is a user-friendly, safe, convenient, and fast solution.
3. 作为数字货币钱包技术实力也是很重要的,那么GPC的核心技术是什么?
Technology strength is also very important for digital currency wallets. So what is the core technology of GPC?
Lei:如果说共识机制是区块链的灵魂,那么跨链技术是实现价值网络的关键,所以我们选择做跨链智能支付钱包。GPC基于Ruby的底层核心侧链技术进行开发,我们自主研发了GPC支付技术(PayTechnology)和MHT技术(Matching Hedge Technology),融合双螺旋分子结构区块链、无感链外扩展存储、跨链协议等技术,旨在打造了一个全新的GPC支付网络,可以在不需信任的情况下,实现区块链资产的零手续费且秒速确认。
Lei:If the consensus mechanism is the soul of the blockchain, then cross-chain technology is the key to realizing the value network. Therefore, we choose to produce a cross-chain smart payment wallet.
GPC was developed based on the underlying core sidechain technology of Ruby and we independently developed the GPC Pay Technology and the Matching Hedge Technology that combines various technologies such as the blockchain of the double helical structure, noninductive storage extension outside the chain, and cross-chain protocols in order to create a brand new GPC Pay Network, which can realize zero service charge and immediate confirmation of blockchain assets without trust.  
4. 数字资产和现实世界的交互一直是很多人关注的焦点,GPC钱包是如何实现区块链世界和现实世界的联通呢?
The interactions between digital assets and the real world are very hot, How does the GPC wallet realize the connection between the blockchain world and the real world?
Lei:The GPC digital currency bank card launched by GPC brings digital currency to off line real-world payment scenes. The GPC digital currency bank card has the functions of transfer, consumption, and cash withdrawal, which can be used in more than 100 countries around the world and 30 million channels.

On the other hand, we gathered a large number of merchants in our ecological layout and we energize commercial with blockchain technologies to meet the needs of users to consume online with digital currency. For example, you can use the GPC wallet to buy clothes, play games, watch paid videos, etc. It can be said that users can use the GPC wallet for all basic need of life in real life.

5. 能否简单给我们介绍一下GPC全球支付通证?
Can you briefly introduce the Global Payment Coin ?
Global Payment Coin全球支付通证是我们GPC钱包的平台通证,总发行量1亿。主要作为防止粉尘交易攻击收的微量交易手续费、搭建节点时的信用担保金结算服务费以及各种数字货币币种在跨链支付时的中间换算币。70%的GPC通证将通过“消费即挖矿”分发给用户,持有GPC可以投票参与社区自治和钱包上币等一系列事务,我们致力于将GPC钱包打造出区块链领域的支付宝,随着我们生态的推进,GPC通证也就有了更大的想象空间和市场流动性。
Lei: The Global Payment Coin is the platform pass of the GPC wallet with a total circulation of 100 million. It is mainly used as the micro-transactionfee for preventing dust trading attacks, the credit bail bond, and settlement service charge when setting up nodes, and the intermediate exchange currency for various digital currencies when conducting cross-chain payments. 
70% of the Global Payment Coin will be distributed to users through “consuming is mining” and holders can participate in a series of affairs including community autonomy and wallet listing through voting. We are committed to building the GPC wallet into the Alipay in the blockchain domain and the Global Payment Coin will have more  imagination and market liquidity with the advancement of our ecology.
OK, thank you Lei. That is all for our column today. See you next time. Byebye