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空中课堂 | ETC的崛起之路

摘要:ETC Labs希望改进ETH的兼容性,因为ETC Labs希望促进两个社区之间更紧密的技术合作。 7月4日20点,猎云财经空中课堂第三十七期邀请到天才少年Jake,现任以太经典(ETC)核心开发。本期活动主持人为猎云财经商务总监张修涤,由Anthony Luo翻译。 以下为分享实

“ETC Labs希望改进ETH的兼容性,因为ETC Labs希望促进两个社区之间更紧密的技术合作。”

7月4日20点,猎云财经空中课堂第三十七期邀请到天才少年Jake,现任以太经典(ETC)核心开发。本期活动主持人为猎云财经商务总监张修涤,由Anthony Luo翻译。







Jake:Hi everyone. This is Jake. Nice to be here.To summarize, I am a software engineer (and sometimes researcher) working on both Ethereum and Ethereum Classic. I specialize mostly in compilers and virtual machines due to my hobbyist background in operating systems design.

Anthony Luo翻译:大家好,我是Jake。简单来说,我是一个工程师(有时候是研究员),既开发ETH, 也开发ETC。我的专长是编译器和虚拟机,因为我个人对操作系统的设计很感兴趣。




Jake:At ETC Labs, I work on the SputnikVM JIT compiler, a special type of Ethereum Virtual Machine implementation which translates EVM bytecode to native machine code in order to increase performance significantly.

Anthony Luo翻译:我在ETC Labs主要负责开发SputnikVM JIT编译器,这是一种特殊的以太坊虚拟机,可以将EVM代码编译至本地,大大提升性能。

Jake:In addition to SputnikVM, I also am working on LLVM-based compiler infrastructure for the EVM. In the future, this may enable developers writing EVM-based smart contracts to use other languages than Solidity and Vyper. However, there is research to be done into the compatibility of general purpose languages like Rust and C++ with the EVM’s design.

With improvements to the EVM such as EIP 615, though, the situation regarding language compatibility will improve substantially.

Anthony Luo翻译:此外,我还负责开发基于LLVM的EVM基础设施编译器。今后这将大大方便开发者使用除Solidity和Vyper的各种语言编写智能合约。当然,常用语言比如Rust和C++与EVM的兼容性也是未来需要研究的课题。


Jake:I began working on Ethereum in August 2017, when I was 15. At the time, I had been interested in both blockchain and WebAssembly for quite a while.

Anthony Luo翻译:我于2017年8月开始为ETH工作。当时我15岁,但也已经关注区块链和WebAssembly有一段时间了。

Jake:At Ethereum, I work on the Ewasm project, an initiative to completely replace the EVM with a simpler virtual machine specification called WebAssembly in Ethereum 2.0.This allows us to fully leverage the existing developer toolchains and modern general purpose languages to implement smart contracts and achieve marginal performance improvements.

Anthony Luo翻译:在Ethereum,我参与的是Ewasm项目,这是一个用Ethereum 2.0中称为WebAssembly的更简单的虚拟机规范完全替换EVM的项目。这使我们能够充分利用现有的开发人员工具链和现代通用语言来实现智能合约并实现边际性能改进。



修涤:OK,Jake 是一位天才少年,今天就由他来讲讲ETC之后的发展之路。Atlantis 硬分叉的区块高度和时间大概是什么时候?主要的改进有哪些?

Jake:The Atlantis hard fork has entered its testing phase. The block height of Atlantis is now scheduled at #8,772,000 (around September 17).

Anthony Luo翻译:Atlantis硬分叉目前已经在测试阶段,根据目前的测试情况硬分叉计划发生在8,772,000的区块高度,大致时间为9月17日。

Jake:The Atlantis hard fork introduces many EIPs from Ethereum’s Byzantium hard fork, for the purpose of improving compatibility between chains. One example is EIPs 196 and 197, which implement precompiled contracts for operations on the alt_bn128 curve. This allows the use of ZK-SNARKs in ETC contracts.

Anthony Luo翻译:亚特兰蒂斯升级引入了许多来自Ethereum的拜占庭分叉的EIP,目的是提高两条链之间的兼容性。比如EIP 196和197,它们可以在alt_bn128曲线上的执行预编译的合约。这将支持在ETC的智能合约中使用ZK-SNARKs。

Jake:In general, Atlantis hard fork included lots of upgrades in ETH Byzantium hard fork, which can improve the infrastructure and compatibility.

Anthony Luo翻译:总的来说,Atlantis硬分叉包含了许多ETH拜占庭硬分叉的协议升级,可以大大提升ETC的基础设施及与ETH的兼容性。



修涤:ETH后期会转成 POS,会对ETC产生什么影响吗? ETC有没有这方面的考虑?

Jake:ETC will stick to PoW. ETC community has the consensus that PoW is the safest algorithm. After ETH turns to PoS, more miner will turn to ETC, and of course the hash rate of ETC will increase a lot.

Anthony Luo翻译:ETC将会坚持PoW,ETC社区的共识认为PoW是目前为止最安全可靠的算法。当ETH将算法切换至PoS后,会有很多的矿工选择ETC挖矿,毫无疑问会增加ETC的算力。


Jake:Based on the test SputnikVM is 10x faster than current EVM.

Anthony Luo翻译: 根据测试结果SputnikVM的速度是EVM的10倍。

修涤:ETC 的主要优势有哪些?如何吸引更多的开发者到生态中来?

Jake:The ETC ecosystem is growing quickly. The hard fork will accelerate this growth and lead to a dramatic increase in DApps. This is because it will make ETC compatible with Ethereum, so DApps can operate on ETC for lower gas cost.

Anthony Luo翻译:目前ETC的生态在高速成长。这次硬分叉将会加速它的成长并带来引人注目的DApp增加。在硬分叉升级后,ETC的系统将能更好的ETH兼容,同时由于DApp在ETC上运行的gas费用更低,这些都会吸引更多的DApp在ETC上开发。


Jake:ETC Labs Core made a road map for this year. The ETC development road map has three priorities: (1) interoperability with Ethereum and other blockchains; (2) optimize and improve the blockchain protocol for greater security and functionality; (3) build tools for developers to increase adoption and usage of ETC.

Anthony Luo翻译:ETC Labs Core在年初发布了今年的路线图。ETC的开发路线将优先提升以下三个方面:

1. 与ETH及其他区块链的互操作性。

2. 通过优化升级底层协议提升安全性及功能性。

3. 通过为开发者建立更多基础工具,增加ETC的接受度和使用率。

Jake:For more details you can check our Medium.

Anthony Luo翻译:更多的细节我们公布在了Medium博客上。







修涤:此次硬分叉之后,ETC技术上有什么新的突破和改进么?将对ETC DApp应用环境和技术生态环境有哪些改变?

Jake:There are several important upgrades in Atlantis that will make ETC faster and more secure. It includes optmization codes to process transactions more quickly. It also includes state clearing for empty and dead accounts, which creates a security risk and slows down the network.

Anthony Luo 翻译:Atlantis中含有多项重要升级内容,可以让ETC网络更加快速且安全。其中就包含了加速传输的优化代码。升级同时还包含了对空白账户及合约的状态清除,避免了它们造成安全问题及拥堵网络的可能性。

Jake:As I mentioned before, the hard fork will make ETC compatible with Ethereum, so dapps can operate on ETC for lower gas cost. A same developing environment with much higher speed and less gas fee, it’s an easy choice.

Anthony Luo 翻译:我之前提到过在硬分叉升级后,ETC的系统将能更好的ETH兼容,同时由于DApp在ETC上运行的gas费用更低,这些都会导致更多的DApp在ETC上开发。相同的开发环境、更快的速度、更低的gas费用,对于开发者来说是一个很简单的选择。


Jake:The Atlantis hard fork, as I have mentioned, introduces many EIPs from Ethereum’s Byzantium hardfork which have implications for developers of on-chain contracts.

For example, EIP-140 introduces the REVERT opcode, which allows state changes to be reverted without consuming all gas or executing an invalid instruction. Contracts on the ETH chain which make use of REVERT are now portable to ETC.

Another improvement in compatibility comes from the fact that some ETH contracts depend on the STATICCALL opcode introduced with EIP 214.

For example, ERC165, a method used to identify what standard interfaces a contract implements, requires the presence of STATICCALL.

Anthony Luo 翻译:如我前面提到的,亚特兰蒂斯分叉引入了许多来自ETH拜占庭拜占庭的EIP,这些EIP从事链上合约开发的人具有启示性意义。

例如,EIP -140引入了REVERT操作码,它允许在不消耗全部gas或执行无效指令的情况下撤销状态更改。

ETH链上使用REVERT的契约现在可以移植到ETC。还有一些兼容性上的改进是因为很多ETH合约依赖于EIP 214的STATICCALL操作码。


Jake :ETC Labs wants to improve compatibility with ETH because it seeks to foster closer technical collaboration between the two communities. It is simply irrational to undermine technical progress in favor of holding onto old differences. With this direction, I think it is completely plausible that both chains can establish their roles in the space, with their own unique value propositions.

Anthony Luo翻译:ETC Labs希望改进ETH的兼容性,因为ETC Labs希望促进两个社区之间更紧密的技术合作。为了保留旧的差异而阻碍技术进步是完全不理性的。因此,我认为两条链都可以具有自己的价值主张,确立各自不同的角色。


Jake :One of my expectations for ETC’s future development is that we will find a healthy balance of technical progress and adherence to the values on which ETC was founded.

In addition to iterating on concepts that come from Ethereum’s community, I also hope that we can devise our own and build on research that has already been done.

With the rate that advancements are made in the blockchain industry, it is difficult for blockchains valuing technical and monetary conservatism to thrive unless they are already established.

Read: BTC. I am confident that ETC, by sacrificing some conservatism in favor of technical progress, can secure its place and value in the future.

Anthony Luo 翻译:我对ETC未来发展的一个期望是:在技术进步和坚持ETC诞生时秉持的价值观之间找到一个合理的平衡。除了吸取Ethereum社区的概念外,我还希望我们可以在已完成的研究上构建自己的理念。







Anthony Luo答:这说明资本对ETC还是非常看好的,ETC社区一直致力于技术开发和去中心化社区管理,所以之前在推广方面有所欠缺。随着技术的不断发展,ETC是非常有竞争力的公链,价格当然有很大的上升空间,这也是为什么会收到灰度资本的重视。

社区提问2:随着ETH逐步迁移至ETH2.0,在不远的将来,会有大量的显卡算力被释放。请问Core Dev Team有何计划利用好这部分算力,以提升ETC网络的健壮性?

Jake:The community discussed about the shift of hashrate before. Most people think after ETH change to PoS, ETC will receive a lot of hashrate from it. Actually it’s not how the dev team using the increase, the increase it self helps to improve the strengh of network. Improve it is our goal, what we done like upgrade the protocals helps also.

Anthony Luo 翻译:社区一直有讨论算力的迁移。大部分人都认为在ETH转向PoS后ETC可以获得很多算力支持。事实上我们不应该说如何利用这些算力去使网络健壮,越多的算力支持这件事本身就是帮助提升网络的健壮的。(对于PoW网络来说,越多的算力本身就代表越安全)。这是我们的目标,也是我们做类似Atlantis这种升级的初衷。

社区提问3:ETC 上的DApp有哪些明星项目呢?

Jake:There are a lot of DApps on ETC now since ETC Labs established. In the Cohort 1 that just finished, I found some interesting projects. BUTTON Wallet is a DApp combining telegram with wallet. The project won a lot of prize of hackathon in ETH SF, ETH Denver, ETH Singapore and ETH Paris. And it’s using ETC instead of ETH now.There’s also some cool DApps like VREX Lab, Slips, and StatWig. I think everyone should focus on what ETC Labs choose to incubate, they are all chosen from hundreds of projects.

Anthony Luo翻译:自从ETC Labs作为孵化器建立以来,越来越多的DApps选择ETC作为开发平台。在刚刚结束的第一轮项目孵化中,我看到了许多有趣的项目。比如说Button Wallet这个DApp,结合了Telegram和钱包的功能。这个项目最初设立时赢得了包括ETH旧金山、ETH丹佛、ETH新加波及ETH巴黎等黑客马拉松奖项。值得一提的是最终他们选择了在ETC上进行开发。还有很多像Vrex Lab(AR资产市场)、Slips(游戏直播挑战平台)、StatWig(物流管理系统)等都是很酷的项目。我觉得大家都应该关注一下ETC Labs选择孵化的项目,毕竟它们都是从上百个项目中脱颖而出的。


Anthony Luo 答:的确我也在社区内听到过一些散户不看好的声音,但这也是情有可原的。这部分散户并不是不看好ETC未来的价值提升,而是他们追求的是短期的收益。ETC不像一些高控盘的其他项目,不可能一直短期爆发。ETC是PoW挖矿的去中心化项目,只有靠技术发展、应用增加等一些举措一步一步做到价值提升。所以很多资本及一些注重价值投资及区块链本质的投资者,还是很看好ETC的。


Jake:ETC have several dev teams, all teams even most projects have their own repos. We update the codes in different repos. After a project or update is well finished we merged it to our main repo. That’s why the GitHub repo doesn’t have lots of updates. Actually, lots of devs like me join ETC now, and the community is active.

Anthony Luo 翻译:ETC有很多开发团队,每个团队甚至大部分项目都有独立的代码库。我们一般在相对应的代码库更新内容,再全部完成后再同步到ETC的代码库。这就是为什么看上去ETC的代码更新数量显得并不多。事实上越来越多像我这样的开发者正在加入ETC,整个社区其实是很活跃的。


Jake:ETC Labs Core developed a chain monitoring tool after the 51% attack, so we can find out the risk in advance. We will inform every node to increase the confirm number. Also, the community is always working on increasing the hash rate, which can avoid the attack.

Anthony Luo翻译:ETC Labs Core在年初发生51%攻击后已经开发了一套攻击监控程序,可以在攻击发起时得到及时预警。我们将通知各节点大幅提升交易确认数,这样可以最大程度的阻碍攻击,避免攻击者获利。当然社区也一直在致力于提升ETC网络的整体算力,当攻击成本过高时也可以从根源上避免攻击的可能。
