RedBlock通讯周刊#5 | 数字化及数字证券的规模用例继续增加
This week we have more exciting developments to report about the adoption of tokenization and digital assets, but first, we have another announcement about our research reports.
As you know, we have been publishing proprietary research reports along with our weekly newsletter. Thus far, we have been providing market research reports, and this week we are releasing our first report on digital securities which you can find on our site here! These reports will provide you with an in-depth look at different parts of the digital securities ecosystem. That means that they will cover everything from issuance platforms to regulation information, as well the myriad of benefits that digital securities bring.
Tokenization Isn’t So Science Fiction For this Sci-Fi Game
You may remember, if you’ve been following along with our newsletters, that we covered the vast potential of the gaming industry to be tokenized. Well, this week, there is another real-world example of this potential. Infinite Fleet, a forthcoming MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) strategy game, just raised $3.1 million via a private security token sale. What’s more, there will be a public STO (Security Token Offering) of the game’s INF token- which is also the game’s official in-game currency- taking place in September, “[allowing] the developer and users to be aligned on incentives, in contrast to traditional crowdfunding methods that see developers solicit donations from users without obligation”, according to the Infinite Fleet development team. This is quite a spot-on use case for how the gaming industry can be universally tokenized.
浏览过我们往期周刊的读者们也许会记得我们曾提到过游戏产业数字化的巨大潜力。本周,该行业迎来了又一用例。一款即将面世的大型多人在线战略游戏Infinite Fleet通过出售私人数字化证券成功筹集了310万美元资金。此外,这款游戏的INF(游戏中的官方货币)将于9月份公开发售,Infinite Fleet的开发团队表示:“ 与传统的众筹方式不同,(私人数字化证券允许)开发者和用户在激励机制上保持一致,因此开发者无需承担义务就可以向用户征求捐款。”这也成为了游戏行业普遍进行数字化操作的一大正确示范用例。

The North American Supply Chain is the Latest Blockchain Use Case
From North America comes an interesting development in a rather established sector. That is, bottling company CONA, which is the 12th largest Coca-Cola bottler in North America, has partnered with blockchain company Unibright to bring efficiency to its own supply chain. With Unibright’s own partnership with Provide, a low-code application platform, they will give CONA the ability to automate their complex supply chain processes, allowing them to more easily do business with the bottling network. They will achieve this by using the Baseline Protocol blockchain toolset to “increase the transparency and efficiency in bottlers’ intricate supply chain”. What this toolset itself does is provide “secure and private business mechanisms at low cost via the Ethereum Mainnet”.
北美的一大成熟市场中有了最新进展 – 可口可乐在北美市场中的第12大灌装商CONA宣布与区块链公司Unibright建立合作关系以提升其供应链效率。此前Unibright已与低程序码应用平台Provide展开合作,双方将携手帮助CONA将其复杂的供应链流程自动化,从而方便其与灌装网络开展业务。据悉,为达成上述目标,Unibright与Provide将通过使用基准协议区块链工具集来“提高灌装厂错综复杂的供应链的透明度和效率”。该工具集本身就为客户提供“通过以太网络以低成本提供安全和私有的业务机制”的服务。
What’s more, because this automated system will be used on the Ethereum mainnet and is transparent, the case for DeFi and tokenization will be furthered, accelerating their visibility in larger sectors that could be considered late adopters when it comes to improving operations. With the sort of large, complex systems that bottlers operate in, their main pain point is the imperfect coordination between entities when conducting purchase orders, invoicing, deliveries, etc.. Not to mention that this complexity and costliness causes “prevention from integrating small participants with the ecosystem”. These coordination problems are solved by the fact that the digital ledgers will have party agreements already programmed. According to Unibright, invoices will also be tokenized through “an accessible technology stack and ERP integration”.
鉴于该自动化系统将被用于以太网络且具有透明性,DeFi与数字化用例将得以推进从而加速其在更多有意提升运作效率的行业内的规模化采用。此类大型复杂灌装操作系统的主要痛点在于在执行采购、发票、交付等操作时无法完美协调各实体间的关系。而且,这种复杂性和高成本导致了 “小参与者无法融入到生态系统中”。现在,数字化账本将利用已编程的缔约方协议来解决上述协作问题。Unibright表示发票也可通过“可访问的技术栈和ERP集成”技术实现数字化操作。
Singapore is One Step Closer to a Mass Adoption of Digital Asset Trading
Digital securities exchange platform ECXX has been approved to launch its exchange platform,, in sandbox mode, and will soon “be the first exchange in Singapore to offer both digital payment tokens and digital securities under two different platforms.” Having already integrated with Singapore’s centralized government identity platform, MyInfo, in order to provide KYC checks, ECXX appears to be primed to provide a seamless experience on its exchange platform. What ECXX hopes with this government integration and mass rollout is mass adoption of digitized asset trading.
The Upshot: 前文综述
● The gaming industry just saw its latest use case for just how ubiquitous asset tokenization can be within that sector
● CONA, a rather large bottler for Coca-Cola in North America, will be using blockchain technology to streamline its supply chain processes
● ECXX, a digital securities exchange platform, just got access to launch its platform in sandbox mode- its tight integration with Singapore government entities bode well for its mass adoption
数字化证券交易平台ECXX获准在沙盒模式下推出其自有平台 – 与新加坡政府的紧密合作助推其被广泛采用。
As you know, we have been publishing proprietary research reports along with our weekly newsletter. Thus far, we have been providing market research reports, and this week we are releasing our first report on digital securities which you can find on our site here! These reports will provide you with an in-depth look at different parts of the digital securities ecosystem. That means that they will cover everything from issuance platforms to regulation information, as well the myriad of benefits that digital securities bring.
Tokenization Isn’t So Science Fiction For this Sci-Fi Game
You may remember, if you’ve been following along with our newsletters, that we covered the vast potential of the gaming industry to be tokenized. Well, this week, there is another real-world example of this potential. Infinite Fleet, a forthcoming MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) strategy game, just raised $3.1 million via a private security token sale. What’s more, there will be a public STO (Security Token Offering) of the game’s INF token- which is also the game’s official in-game currency- taking place in September, “[allowing] the developer and users to be aligned on incentives, in contrast to traditional crowdfunding methods that see developers solicit donations from users without obligation”, according to the Infinite Fleet development team. This is quite a spot-on use case for how the gaming industry can be universally tokenized.
浏览过我们往期周刊的读者们也许会记得我们曾提到过游戏产业数字化的巨大潜力。本周,该行业迎来了又一用例。一款即将面世的大型多人在线战略游戏Infinite Fleet通过出售私人数字化证券成功筹集了310万美元资金。此外,这款游戏的INF(游戏中的官方货币)将于9月份公开发售,Infinite Fleet的开发团队表示:“ 与传统的众筹方式不同,(私人数字化证券允许)开发者和用户在激励机制上保持一致,因此开发者无需承担义务就可以向用户征求捐款。”这也成为了游戏行业普遍进行数字化操作的一大正确示范用例。

The North American Supply Chain is the Latest Blockchain Use Case
From North America comes an interesting development in a rather established sector. That is, bottling company CONA, which is the 12th largest Coca-Cola bottler in North America, has partnered with blockchain company Unibright to bring efficiency to its own supply chain. With Unibright’s own partnership with Provide, a low-code application platform, they will give CONA the ability to automate their complex supply chain processes, allowing them to more easily do business with the bottling network. They will achieve this by using the Baseline Protocol blockchain toolset to “increase the transparency and efficiency in bottlers’ intricate supply chain”. What this toolset itself does is provide “secure and private business mechanisms at low cost via the Ethereum Mainnet”.
北美的一大成熟市场中有了最新进展 – 可口可乐在北美市场中的第12大灌装商CONA宣布与区块链公司Unibright建立合作关系以提升其供应链效率。此前Unibright已与低程序码应用平台Provide展开合作,双方将携手帮助CONA将其复杂的供应链流程自动化,从而方便其与灌装网络开展业务。据悉,为达成上述目标,Unibright与Provide将通过使用基准协议区块链工具集来“提高灌装厂错综复杂的供应链的透明度和效率”。该工具集本身就为客户提供“通过以太网络以低成本提供安全和私有的业务机制”的服务。
What’s more, because this automated system will be used on the Ethereum mainnet and is transparent, the case for DeFi and tokenization will be furthered, accelerating their visibility in larger sectors that could be considered late adopters when it comes to improving operations. With the sort of large, complex systems that bottlers operate in, their main pain point is the imperfect coordination between entities when conducting purchase orders, invoicing, deliveries, etc.. Not to mention that this complexity and costliness causes “prevention from integrating small participants with the ecosystem”. These coordination problems are solved by the fact that the digital ledgers will have party agreements already programmed. According to Unibright, invoices will also be tokenized through “an accessible technology stack and ERP integration”.
鉴于该自动化系统将被用于以太网络且具有透明性,DeFi与数字化用例将得以推进从而加速其在更多有意提升运作效率的行业内的规模化采用。此类大型复杂灌装操作系统的主要痛点在于在执行采购、发票、交付等操作时无法完美协调各实体间的关系。而且,这种复杂性和高成本导致了 “小参与者无法融入到生态系统中”。现在,数字化账本将利用已编程的缔约方协议来解决上述协作问题。Unibright表示发票也可通过“可访问的技术栈和ERP集成”技术实现数字化操作。
Singapore is One Step Closer to a Mass Adoption of Digital Asset Trading
Digital securities exchange platform ECXX has been approved to launch its exchange platform,, in sandbox mode, and will soon “be the first exchange in Singapore to offer both digital payment tokens and digital securities under two different platforms.” Having already integrated with Singapore’s centralized government identity platform, MyInfo, in order to provide KYC checks, ECXX appears to be primed to provide a seamless experience on its exchange platform. What ECXX hopes with this government integration and mass rollout is mass adoption of digitized asset trading.
The Upshot: 前文综述
● The gaming industry just saw its latest use case for just how ubiquitous asset tokenization can be within that sector
● CONA, a rather large bottler for Coca-Cola in North America, will be using blockchain technology to streamline its supply chain processes
● ECXX, a digital securities exchange platform, just got access to launch its platform in sandbox mode- its tight integration with Singapore government entities bode well for its mass adoption
数字化证券交易平台ECXX获准在沙盒模式下推出其自有平台 – 与新加坡政府的紧密合作助推其被广泛采用。
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