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通讯周刊#15 | 全球监管动态、DeFi 与互操作性、机构级STO

Greetings all! This week brings news of regulatory developments, interesting and exciting DeFi applications, and more!
We also have a new Security Token Group report syndication, hot off the presses! This time from Security Token Advisors: Security Tokens Explained in 4 Layers; A Guide for Investors and Issuers; a very handy guide to what makes up security tokens, and what to consider when going about investing in or issuing them.  You can check that article out on our site here.
本周,我们与Security Token Group携手发布了由行业评论家撰写的题为《STA 投资&发行指南:四大层面深度剖析数字化证券》的联合报告。请点击链接进行阅览。
Not only that, but the next issuance platform report is ready and live as well.
Expect more content like this from our partners and us, as we both promote asset tokenization and digitization.
We are still taking applications to be a RedLedgers beta tester! Please fill in our application form if you are interested- Closed Beta Form
Regulatory News
1.India’s Crypto Community- Getting Out of the Grey Area
Recent news coming out of India as the crypto community there is pushing for a sandbox approach in the development and rollout of crypto platforms.  This comes amid the familiar regulatory grey area crypto can live in unless otherwise defined.  The sandbox approach “proposes a regulatory framework to bring crypto assets under existing regulations while also setting up a supervised space for startups to develop in the sector.” This should set the scene for the growth of crypto applications, without the looming legal trouble that living in a grey area comes with. (NASDAQ)
有消息称,印度加密行业正在推进旨在促进加密平台开发与发行的沙盒计划。除非另作定义,否则可能会衍生出处于法律灰色地带的加密货币。该沙盒项目“提出建立一个监管机制,旨在将加密资产置于现有监管体系之内,同时为此类初创企业创建合规的发展空间。” 此举将为印度的加密行业发展奠定基础,并规避由于位处灰色地带而可能带来的法律风险。(NASDAQ)
2.An Important Mission- Worldwide Legal Clarification for Cryptocurrency
The OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) recently announced plans to propose a tax reporting framework for cryptocurrencies that can work on an international scale, giving countries’ “tax authorities guardrails for clarifying their local treatment of cryptocurrencies while also accounting for international [exchanges]”. (NASDAQ)
3.The British Virgin Islands is Pushing for FinTech Innovation
The British Virgin Islands has recently taken steps to establish itself as a center for fintech innovation by launching a sandbox, albeit with a lighter regulatory framework surrounding. Although lighter, the sandbox will perform the function of defining regulations and thus getting fintech startups operating in the British Virgin Islands out of their legal grey areas. (mondaq)
Industry Updates
1.Securitize is Teaming up with DeFi Protocol Tinlake
Securitize 与 DeFi 协议Tinlake达成合作
Our partners at Securitize have just teamed up with Tinlake, “which uses a clever system 
of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to enable real-world assets to participate in DeFi.” This 
integration, unlike other DeFi integrations, is only for those with wallets with a Securitize 
ID, which means the participants in a trade are known.  What Securitize is seeking to do here is provide a way to perform functions “that exist in traditional capital markets, like market making, or lending and borrowing, all in an automated way” according to CEO Carlos Domingo. (NASDAQ)
日前,我们的合作伙伴Securitize正式与Tinlake建立了合作关系。Tinlake“利用一款不可替代代币(non-fungible tokens,NFTs)的智能系统来提升现实资产对DeFi的参与度”。与其他DeFi集成项目不同的是,Tinlake仅适用于拥有Securitize ID的钱包用户,即交易过程均由已知参与方操作完成。Securitize首席执行官Carlos Domingo表示:“Securitize期望能以完全自动化的方式在传统资本市场(如交易、借贷)中执行相关的功能”。(NASDAQ)
2.Solana’s New Project, Wormhole
Blockchain platform Solana has just launched Wormhole, its latest project.  As the name suggests, this project seeks to “[implement] a unique high powered and permissionless blockchain that would connect ETH and ERC20 tokens to SPL Tokens.”  This is a very welcome development in the blockchain sector, as this would be one of the latest projects to launch in the name of interoperability. (BTCMANAGER)
区块链平台Solana刚刚发布了一款名为Wormhole的新项目。诚如其名所示,该项目旨在“[建成]一个具有独特高效性且无须获得许可便能完成ETH 、 ERC20与 SPL 通证间连接操作的区块链”。该项目具有互操作性,因而在区块链领域广受欢迎。(BTCMANAGER)
Investment & Financing
1.BoringDAO Sees a Substantial Round of Investments, and For Good Reason
Described as a “decentralized bridge between Ethereum and other Blockchain assets”, BoringDAO has raised $1.4 million from a number of blockchain investors.  With a mission to tokenize the world’s assets, BoringDAO has a forthcoming rollout of its bBTC token. This token, which is a tokenized Bitcoin asset, “will be collateralized by 200% and leverage a double pledge model.”  This means more security for users of bBTC, due to, as explained by BoringDAO, the fact that the token is backed by 200%+ assets.  The bBTC also leverages the power of smart contracts and avails access to DeFi. (Bitcoin.com & BoringDAO via Medium.com)
被誉为“以太坊与其他区块链资产间的去中心化桥梁”的BoringDAO已从一些区块链投资方处募得了价值140万美元的投资。BoringDAO的旨在对全球范围内的资产进行数字化标记,并即将推出其自有bBTC代币。bBTC是一种经过标记的比特币资产并 “将以200%作为抵押,同时采用双重质押模式。” 因而其用户将享有更高的安全性。此外,bBTC还充分利用了智能合约的特性且能接入DeFi。(Bitcoin.com & BoringDAO via Medium.com)
2.Institutional Adoption of Security Tokens in Japan
One of the leading and main financial services companies in Japan, SBI Holdings, will launch its first STO (Security Token Offering).  This STO will happen through it’s gaming subsidiary.  The decision is due to the fact that the company “sees the security token offerings industry… [as] a ‘core fintech technology’.” Moreover, SBI Holdings has future plans to tokenize real estate and IP rights for media. (Finance Magnates)
日本主流金融服务公司SBI Holdings认为数字资产是行业的“核心金融技术”,因而决定将通过其游戏业子公司进行首次STO(Security Token Offering,数字证券发行)。据悉,SBI Holdings还计划在房地产及媒体知识产权领域进行数字化操作。(Finance Magnates)
References 参考文献
Regulatory News 监管动态
1.“Amid Confusion About Rules, Indian Crypto Community Pushes for Regulatory Sandbox”     
2.“OECD Preparing Crypto Tax Reporting Framework for World’s Largest Economies”
3.“British Virgin Islands: Sandy Shores And Sandboxes: BVI Introduces Regulatory Sandbox For Fintech Innovation”
Industry Updates 行业要闻
1.“Securitize Is Taking Ethereum-Based Securities Into the DeFi Realm”
2.“Solana Launches Secure Gateway to Ethereum Blockchain”  
Investment and Financing Progress 投融资进展
1.“Boringdao Raises $1.4M: Project's Tokenized BTC Bridge Backed by 200% Collateral”
“BoringDAO 🌀 — Turn All Other Blockchain Into Layer Two Of Bitcoin”
2.“Japan’s SBI Holdings Kicks off First Security Token Offering”