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深度 |《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之账户模型

摘要:Before introducing the UTXO model and the Account balance model we have to first introduce the most important concepts and data structures in their two or even all block chain applications that is Block. The block chain is actually made up of a list



Wisdom Chian:AccountState
This article comes from the official Twitter of Wisdom Chain

In the current block chain world, there are mainly two ways of record preservation, UTXO mode and Account mode. Bitcoin adopts UTXO model, Ethereum/EOS adopts Account model, and WisdomChian also adopts Account model. Today we will explain in detail why WisdomChian also adopted the account model.


Before introducing the UTXO model and the Account balance model, we have to first introduce the most important concepts and data structures in their two or even all block chain applications, that is, Block. The block chain is actually made up of a list of growing chains, which contains many records, that is, blocks.


UTXO model

In the UTXO model, transactions only represent changes in the UTXO collection. The concept of accounts and balances is a higher abstraction on the UTXO collection. The concept of accounts and balances only exists in wallets. Let's look at some examples to understand the difference.


First, Bitcoin UTXO can not be partially expended. If a user wants to spend 0.5 Bitcoins, but he has 1 Bitcoins in his UTXO collection.He has to send half a Bitcoin to himself to get change at the same time as he sends half a Bitcoin to someone else. If he doesn't send it to himself, he will pay 0.5 Bitcoin to the miner.



Second, Bitcoin itself does not store account balances. Users only need to sign these UTXO with the private key to spend Bitcoins. The digital wallet makes the Bitcoin blockchain look like it has the function of user account balance. This is not the case.


How visual wallets work in Bitcoin

Bitcoin's UTXO system works well, partly because digital wallets can help to accomplish most of the work related to transactions. Including but not limited to:


a) Processing UTXO

b) Storage key

c) Set transaction costs

d) Provide change address

e) Aggregated UTXO (display available, pending and total balance)


Trading in the UTXO model is similar to paper currency. Each account shows how much money it has by calculating the sum of all the paper money (UTXO) in the wallet (corresponding to the wallet address). When we want to spend money, we need to use one or more UTXO with enough cost and we may get a new UTXO. Each UTXO can only be used once, because once UTXO is expended, it will be deleted from the UTXO pool.


All in all, we know that:

Bitcoin blockchain does not store account balance

Bitcoin Wallet Holds secret key

If it is included in the transaction, it will cost the entire UTXO (in some cases, the change is in the form of a new UTXO).



WisdomChain adopts the same Account transaction structure as ETH. Unlike Ethernet, there are two very different data in Ethernet: permanent data and temporary data. An example of permanent data is a transaction, which, when fully confirmed, will be recorded in the transactiontrie and will never change. An example of temporary data is the balance on a specific Ethereum account address. The balance of the account address is stored in statetrie and will be changed whenever the transaction of the particular account changes. In Ethereum, permanent data (such as mined transactions) and temporary data (such as account balances) are stored separately. Ethereum uses trie data structure to manage data.


And about WisdomChain, when the transaction is initiated, the node will calculate the status information after transaction based on the current state information and transaction content in the virtual machine, and store the relevant hash value of the state information along with the transaction. When the transaction is packaged by a miner, the remaining nodes store data on the Merkletrees to ensure that the state information of their nodes and other nodes in the network is consistent.


So WisdomChain's records are kept like banks. Similar to using ATM / debit cards, banks track the amount of each debit card. When we need to spend money, the bank checks its records to make sure we have enough balance before confirming the transaction.


Of course, WisdomChain uses the Account transaction structure, which inevitably leads to the problems of the Account transaction structure itself. First, there is no dependency between Account model transactions, so the problem of replay attacks needs to be solved. Second, for the realization of lightning network, Plasma and so on, users need more complex Proof mechanism to produce evidence. The state transfer of sub chains to the main chain requires more complicated protocols.



本文来自Wisdom Chain官方Twitter





在当前区块链世界中,主要有两种记录保存方式,UTXO模式UnspentTransactionOutput和Account模式。Bitcoin采用的是UTXO模型,Ethereum/EOS采用的是Account模型,同样Wisdom Chian也采用了Account模型。今天我么将详细讲述为什么Wisdom Chian也采用了Account模型。



Wisdom Chain
Wisdom Chain采用了和ETH同样的Account交易结构,不同于以太坊的是,以太坊中有两种截然不同的数据;永久数据和临时数据。永久数据的例子是交易,交易被完全确认后将被记录在transactiontrie,也将绝不会改变。临时数据的例子是特定以太坊帐户地址上的余额。帐户地址的余额存储在statetrie中并且每当该特定帐户的交易改变时就会被更改。在以太坊中,永久数据(如被挖矿的交易)和临时数据(如帐户余额)被单独存储。以太坊使用trie数据结构来管理数据。
而Wisdom  Chain当交易发起时,节点将会在虚拟机中根据目前状态信息和交易内容计算交易后状态信息,储存在本地的同时将状态信息的相关哈希值随交易一同发出。当交易被矿工打包入区块以后,其余节点将数据保存在Merkletrees上,确保自身节点和网络中其他节点的状态信息一致。
因此Wisdom Chain的记录保存就像银行一样。类似于使用ATM/借记卡,银行跟踪每张借记卡的金额。当我们需要花钱时,银行会检查其记录以确保我们在确认交易前是否有足够的余额。
当然Wisdom Chain在使用了Account交易结构,就不可避免了Account交易结构的本身的问题,一是Account模型交易之间没有依赖性,需要解决重放攻击(ReplayAttacks)的问题。二是对于实现闪电网络/雷电网络,Plasma等,用户举证需要更复杂的Proof证明机制,子链向主链进行状态迁移需要更复杂的协议。
作者:Wisdom Chain 官方



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