深度 |《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之经济模型
In the previous chapter, we talked about the consensus mechanism of Wisdom Chain Document Knowledge Base. Today, we will talk about Wisdom Chain's economic model.
In the economic model of Ethereum, the core logic is to let ETH increase indefinitely, but this is contradictory, not to say the total amount of ETH is not constant. From the economic model point of view, the interests of ETH users and miners are not consistent, which also makes the development of Ethereum difficult.
WDC is mainly used for application layer payment, mining equity certificate, transaction deposit, transaction market opening fee, transaction dispute arbitration fee, etc. Meanwhile, you can also use the WDC in your hand to develop your own Dapp for users to make money. Layer2 application chain allows more people to come to the platform for secondary development.
WDC is not a fee like Gas, but rather a "global state" that represents its occupation of the Wisdom Chain.For example, if you have 1,000 tokens of WDC, you can create up to 1000 bytes of space in which you can store assets, DApp status, or other data.
Sounds like the percentage of system memory and CPU that an EOS holder can call?But we need to pay attention to the difference. First, WDC can get space units without collateral, and secondly, it can store content in a unit, rather than "computing resources" like CPU or memory.
With the outbreak of Wisdom Chain ecological applications, the value of WDC will continue to grow.
前面我们讲了《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》的共识机制问题,今天我们就来聊一聊Wisdom Chain的经济模型问题。
Wisdom Chain作为一个底层公链,它的经济模型参考了比特币的通缩模型,公链的初始输出块时间为30秒,每个块将获得20 WDC奖励。在2102400个区块之后(约2年),该数字将减少约52.22%,直到将区块奖励调整为6.66666666 WDC,除了将第一减息块高度调整为5736000块外,其余每隔6307200个区块减产52.22%。
Wisdom Chain原生币种WDC,总量为590,000,000,其中矿工奖励总额为88,000,000,WDC经济模型:社区325,000,000;技术团队、运营团队、生态建设及公益基金:177,000,000。
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