Content and AD Network(CAN)
CAN(内容及广告分发网络)以MobiPromo的全球品牌形象及其分布于全球的数万个节点为基础,将通过半年二代产品的开发、测试及试用,经过一年的推广, 达到一百万以上节点规模,从而吸引大型网站的内容分发业务以及全球品牌的广告业务的加盟。
吴斌 (Jason Wu) (CEO)
清华大学电机工程系硕士毕业• 曾在清华大学任教,主要方向为互联网应用的研究与开发• MobiPromo Limited创始人之一,MobiPromo Limited是世界领先的移动互联网近场营销平台提供商
Ola Johannes Lind (CMO)
Nationality Sweden.
He has a degree in management and worked in the United States. He had led the team to conduct Internet and mobile Internet related business in multiple countries and has rich experiences of marketing management.
William Morris Tait (Product Director)
Nationality Australian.
Worked in Internet media and IT companies in the United States for a long year. He has rich experience on Internet product design and development.
Richard Sze (Business Development Director)
Holding a Bachelor of Arts Degree, major in International Businesses (Japanese Studies) from City University of Hong Kong.
has over 23 years of experience in sales development and marketing. He was leading the global sales team in a multinational telecom equipment manufacturer and from scratch, he had successfully gained the trust as well as the businesses more than ten major strategic customers in China and Hong Kong within the period of 1 year and 3 months (2003-2004). These customers include the famous China OEMs in telecommunications such as ZTE, Huawei, Konka and Haier.
Holding a Master degree of BusinessAdministration from the University of Bradford, UK. He is currently one of thefounders and CFO in 3Y5 marketing Ltd(sub company of MobiPromo), a leading andlargest WiFi marketing company in Hong Kong.He also worked as CMO in an APPdevelopment company in Science Park for 2 years before joining 3Y5 marketingLtd.
Howard Chan (BusinessDevelopment Director)
Holding a degree from Abilene TexasUniversity, Texas.
Has over 20 years of experience in salesand marketing, including assisting Ravago (the biggest recycle plastic in theworld) to open the market in Thailand, assisting Thai suppliers to import riceto Welcome Supermarket (one of the biggest supermarket chain in Hong Kong) andassisting a petrol catalyst company in China to sell their products to SKChemical in Korea, PT Polytama in Indonesia, PPT in Thailand etc.
1. 可信、高效的数字广告分发网络,有效防止数字广告领域的最大弊端-点击率欺诈
2. 降低内容提供商的网络传输成本,如游戏、视频、直播等行业的内容提供商
3. 通过CAN的基础网络节点,可为未来应用领域的区块链项目提供基础设施
- 免责声明
- 世链财经作为开放的信息发布平台,所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与世链财经无关。如文章、图片、音频或视频出现侵权、违规及其他不当言论,请提供相关材料,发送到。
- 风险提示:本站所提供的资讯不代表任何投资暗示。投资有风险,入市须谨慎。
- 世链粉丝群:提供最新热点新闻,空投糖果、红包等福利,微信:juu3644。